Fitness Weekend
I spent the last weekend shooting fitness photos. 6 sessions between Thursday and Sunday. I'm really happy with how they turned out. I'll be working on proofs this week for my clients. A theme kind of emerged on Saturday and Sunday. The backs of some of the models were just fantastic. It's the muscle group that is hardest to see when working out and most people are truly amazed when the see a good picture of their back.
I shot their backs on a black background with a high contrast black and white treatment on the edit to really bring out all of the size and depth of the muscles.
I shoot this topless to accentuate the muscles and to highlight the hard work and dedication the models have invested in themselves. The images show power and athleticism and are not meant to be salatious.
1. Jamie
2. Alishia
3. Lacia
- Mark Ruddick Photography is a full service London, Ontario photographer who specializes in fitness, boxing and mma photography