Naked Jiu Jitsu (NSFW)
Rachel came back for more athletic nudes and brought a friend this time, martial artist Nelson Sobral. Nelson is not only a martial artist but he’s also a really good musician. (Give him a listen) We had some fun playing around with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and trying to keep it implied. I think we all laughed until we hurt that night.
Thanks to my Fanshawe student Majid for assisting that night.
Every match starts with a bump
Defending the flying arm bar
Hip toss
Arm bar
Triangle choke
- The Athletic Implied Nudes series is an exploration of the human body under muscle stress— understanding the body’s strength, flexibility, and power. Clean backgrounds, hard lighting, and black & white photography work together to eliminate distractions and highlight the muscle groups and figure of my subjects.
Beginning with Mixed Martial Artists and Boxers, I have developed my technique to capture rapidly firing muscle groups at high speed in front of the lens. The resulting instinct for timing fight photography has lead to an ability to freeze my subjects at the peak of their motion. Discovering a better understanding of the human form with this project has transitioned into my commercial fitness work, maximizing composition and positioning to best showcase the human form.