Last Shoot of 2018 with Decathlete Josh Mather
The last shoot of 2018 was with Decathlete Josh Mather and photographer Howard Adams. Howie had set up the shoot so we could team up and do some sports portraiture together. Howie is the go to guy in London for any track & field photography. Josh is a great athlete and is going to Rutgers University next year on an athletic scholarship. We did some action shots and some portrait work.
I was pleased overall how the pictures turned out and I learned a lot from Howie about timing and positioning for track & field events.
It was good to get out of the house and into the studio after 5 days of being sick in bed. Thanks to super assistant Wendy for her help, I needed it.
We started with long jump.
From the end of the pit.
Then we played with the Javelin and some fog.
Side lit to show off shape
We finished up with some standard portrait work.
- Mark Ruddick Photography is a full service London, Ontario photographer who specializes in fitness, bodybuilding and fight photography