Fitness Photoshoto with Demelo Fitness and Julia
Demelo Fitness invited me to photograph his fitness client Julia at Showtyme Fitness. Josh’s client always come to a shoot prepare, in shape and with a great attitude. They are across the board positive and engaged in the process. We got some great on location images during the shoot.
Thanks to my Fanshawe placement student Jessica Hernandez for assisting.
Showing off the triceps with a pull down.
Abs after some much appreciated carbs during the shoot.
Great choice in wardrobe for showing off the arms
Josh Demelo proud of the abs
Staring down the competition.
- Mark Ruddick Photography is a full service London, Ontario photographer who specializes in fitness, bodybuilding and fight photography
- DEMELO FITNESS personal training is managed by Joshua DeMelo - a London native. He has a background in competitive bodybuilding, having placed 2nd in his first competition. He is moving on to the provincial level in 2017. Josh is also certified by the Canadian Personal Training Network and also has worked with some of the TOP coaches in the fitness industry.